The 1st Taiwan Perovskite Technology Forum
Practicing carbon neutrality and zero-carbon transition in response to global climate change are the most important issues today!
On the road to global carbon neutrality, among many green energy categories, high-efficiency solar energy systems are the most important renewable energy sources in the global competition. Among them, the related technologies and applications of the third-generation perovskite solar cells are the focus of attention!
In addition to the application of solar energy, the excellent optoelectronic properties of perovskite quantum dots have brought new technological breakthroughs to the next generation of flat-panel displays (Mini / Micro LED, OLED). In recent years, perovskite quantum dot display technology has made important progress , is one of the focuses of research in the field of materials in recent years!
In order to accelerate the industrialization of perovskite technology and gather resources from industry, academia and research to discuss possible technology roadmaps, this technology forum is jointly organized by Tsinghua University, the Optoelectronic Technology Industry Association (PIDA) and Taiwan Perovskite Technology Corporation. Welcome For advanced exchanges and visits, please sign up!
The number of people will be controlled according to the epidemic prevention measures. The registration and invitation system will be used for registration.
National Tsing Hua University TSMC
Sun Yunying Lecture Hall on the 1st floor
(Baoshan Road-Near the South Gate of Tsinghua University)
Event time: 08:40-16:00
Open at 08:40am
See website for on-campus parking guidelines